skally may sound crazy on this board. but listen to her rip a new asshole out of any wt dope in the service dept. at bethel. ( and i'm not talking about yelling and screaming at them) with her APOSTATE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE. and you will all will be SINGING A NEW TUNE. Skally is one of the most knowledgeable Apostates here. i would take her over 99% of the posters here, on any long drawn out doctrine discussion with any jw. b/c i know she will never WILT . and only complement me dragging any elder/ overseer and showing how ignorant these spritul giants are. That all you guys here are scared crap of. any here that want to call me a liar. I'll call bethel on a three way line( with who ever thinks i'm lying) and ask any question you want. and listen to me go. i witness for christ. and no jw can handle me. because i tell the TRUTH about the wt. this board is starting to BORE ME . so much knowledge here and too many crybabies who don't use what is here to defend themselves. it's a sad fact you all can cry to get me banned from here. but remember i've been exposing jw's ever before i ever found this site. and i don't need any help to expose the wt from anyone here. i've calling the wt liars for over 35 years. and i was never wrong about the wts. john PS . I THINK SF SKAlly IS burnt out talking to no nerve nonsense crybabies x jw's. any body who would read her posts from 3,4, 5, 6 years ago would know she is one of the smartest one's here and i would take SF SKALLY TO STAND with me against any jw over the great apostate DANNY HASZARD. WHY? B/C sf skally is more well rounded and knowledgeable. is she crazy yes . but no one here can question her knowledge of the craptower. ask sk SKALLY ABOUT SOME 1901 WT OR anything about the tower and she can teach lots..... john